Monthly Archives: November 2020

I owe much to La Pavoni

Life is too short to drink bad coffee. I retired in 2014. One of my goals was to learn how to make good coffee at home – economically with joy. I knew that many espresso aficionados spend thousands of dollars on machines and accessories. Though I could have probably done so, I am thrifty (read: cheap) and as interested in learning as I am in drinking good coffee. I started with a stupid De’Longhi espresso machine for $100 and an Aeropress for $30. The De’Longhi was never capable of making good espresso and I struggled for nearly a year. The Aeropress stuck and I made decent coffee (not espresso) for a few years.

Somewhere along the line, I found a 2005 La Pavoni Pro manual lever espresso machine for a reasonable price on eBay. Impulsively, I jumped on it. It’s a niche machine, difficult to understand, steam punk, easy to maintain, and extremely satisfying when you get it right. I still remember the first day firing it up with my friend Harold and pulling the first decent shots of my life. I was hooked. I found the fledging LP Facebook group for support, as it was just starting up. I volunteered to the Italian in charge, Claudio Santoro, and wisely or foolishly, depending on your perspective, agreed for me to co-moderate the group. Here began my growth in the community and the establishment of like-minded friends world-wide. I applied my critical thinking skills, human resources orientation, and organizational development doctorate to help build the group to one approaching 10K members today. Mary Jane and I have travelled the world and have found friends most places we have visited due to this group.

One routine I have established along the way is going into 3rd way coffee shops wherever we are, starting with a macchiato (which I promptly knock back talking to the barista) and a pourover to-go. It’s the best of all worlds: good espresso along with good conversation and then experiments in different coffees. This has continued in my home routine. Pourover in the morning along with a cocoa Pappaccino for MJ. Then an espresso after lunch made on my LP. It’s sweet nectar made from beans of local and regional roasters. More recently, I started a Niche Zero Facebook support group, too, modeled after our successful LP group. Niche makes THE BEST single dose grinder and I’m blessed to be connected to them.

So…if you haven’t followed my adventures, look at these groups where I am an admin:

La Pavoni Lever Machine Owners:

Niche Zero Owners:

Coffee Anarchy:

If I can help you in any way, please contact me. My wish is to help my friends liberate themselves from Charbucks and make GREAT espresso/coffee at home. I owe a lot to La Pavoni and my coffee friends. I lift a coffee cup to you! Salut!


La Pavoni:

Niche Coffee: